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New patient’s guide to medical marijuana

New patient’s guide to medical marijuana

Contrary to popular misconceptions about medical marijuana, the decision to use cannabis as an alternative treatment to physical or mental health problems is not typically made with joy or on a whim. Each day, Revolutionary Clinics’ Patient Advocates talk to people who haven’t been themselves for a long time and are desperate to regain their independence, their self-respect or their zest for life. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried lots of different things to deal with your chronic pain or anxiety.

At Revolutionary Clinics, we know the last thing you need right now is another broken promise to “fix you”. What we can say with authority is that we’ve helped a lot of people in your situation to feel better. If you’re ready to try a different path to achieve your personal wellness, here are the next steps you need to take and some resources to get you on your way.

Do your own research about the benefits of medical marijuana

Leafly.com and ProjectCBD.org are two of the most trusted authorities in the cannabis industry. On those sites, you’ll find all kinds of helpful information about how THC and CBD interact with your body, the different types of cannabis consumption and articles that can help you make informed decisions.

We’re also big fans of these resources:

One of the most compelling arguments for medical marijuana that we’ve heard is this Ted Talk delivered by Dr. David Casarett, Professor of Medicine, Section Chief of Palliative and Member of the Duke Cancer Institute. If you’re the type of person who prefers facts from professionals, Dr. Casarett’s talk is well worth 15 minutes of your time:

Talk to your doctor about medical marijuana as a treatment option

If you have a good relationship with your own doctor, by all means share with him or her your interest in trying medical marijuana. Your doctor’s opinion matters and it’s always a good idea to keep him or her fully informed of everything that’s going on with your body and the steps you’re taking to feel your best. Your doctor is a source of information to help you make informed decisions as well as support and and guidance.

Seek the advice of medical professionals who understand medical marijuana

If your doctor has yet to accept medical marijuana as a wellness option (sadly, it happens) there are plenty of other well-qualified physicians in Massachusetts who will be happy to talk to you. There are three independent organizations that maintain updated lists of physicians and nurse practitioners who can answer all your medical marijuana questions.

Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance
If you like your information local, this grassroots organization has been supporting the medical marijuana cause and advocating for patients for years. They’ll be happy to answer any of your questions about acquiring a Massachusetts Medical Marijuana card and connect you with any other resources you need.

In addition to a list of doctors and dispensaries, Weedmaps is also a source for the latest cannabis news on a national scale as well as product reviews and educational information.

The Marijuana Doctors
This national organization maintains a good directory of medical marijuana doctors in every state. They also regularly update their blog with different uses for medical marijuana and have lots of helpful resources for you to learn more about the science of cannabis.

Talk to real people who have gotten real results from medical marijuana

Most of the resources we’ve mentioned in this post have testimonials from patients who have used medical marijuana to relieve all kinds of different symptoms. Many of these organizations host meetings and information sessions where you can connect with people who share your concerns and can provide genuine advice based on their own experiences. If you prefer to chat with real users online, The BostonTrees SubRedditt has a well-managed Medical Marijuana Megathread that may be helpful to you. Like any public forum, there are some interesting characters on the recreational side of the cannabis spectrum but it’s a resource we check out regularly to keep our fingers on the pulse of what 16,000 members are thinking and sharing about cannabis.

Get your Massachusetts medical marijuana card

Once you’re feeling comfortable in your decision to try medical marijuana, you need to acquire a Massachusetts medical marijuana card. CLICK HERE to see the four steps you need to follow to get your card and feel free to call us at 617-213-6006 if you have any questions!

At Revolutionary Clinics, we’re here to connect you with all the information, resources and advice you need to make informed decisions about your wellness. If you have detailed questions and prefer to talk with one of our cannabis experts via email, please fill out the form on our website and we’ll get right back to you!

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