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The Effects that Cannabis has on your Brain

The Effects that Cannabis has on your Brain


Of particular interest to many who study the effects of marijuana are its impact on the brain. Many who oppose legalization focus on the effects of the treatments, and often the focus is misguided. A popular myth is that occasional, responsible cannabis use will irreparably kill brain cells. Another is that long-term exposure to marijuana can cause Alzheimer’s disease. There is no medical evidence supporting these claims, but they are still cited as “facts.”

In the article, “Getting Started With Medical Marijuana,” the popular site Medical Jane attempts to cut through the marijuana myths and highlight the therapeutic benefits of cannabis use. The article focuses on the benefits of high-quality medical marijuana indigestion, pain management, mental health, cancer, and brain health. The article cites studies that show the benefits of cannabichromene in brain development, the possibility that cannabidiol can regenerate damaged neurons in the brain, and a fascinating study that suggests that tetrahydrocannabinol can protect the brain and encourage neuroplasticity.

In addition to its effects on overall brain health, exciting new research is showing cannabis could be medically therapeutic for major brain diseases:

Alzheimer’s Disease

Medical Jane cites dozens of research studies that point to cannabis, with a mild ratio of THC, as being a useful therapy for patients with Alzheimer’s disease while being safer and presenting fewer side effects than standard treatments. Increased research could also have the potential to lead to novel therapies that could prevent progression and even initiation of the disease.

Parkinson’s Disease

Marijuana may alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and aid patients in coping. An overview published by Dr. Michael S. Okun on the National Parkinson Foundation website states that although marijuana should not be considered a replacement for approved therapies, more research should be conducted to understand its potential. “It may turn out that non-motor functions such as depression, anxiety, and pain respond best,” according to Dr. Okun.

Oxygen Deficits

In a study published in Neuropharmacology, researchers from Madrid conducted tests on CBD’s ability to protect against cerebral hypoxia in the brains of piglets. The study concluded that “CBD exerted robust neuroprotective effects” when the administration of CBD prevented issues associated with reduced oxygen in the brains of the test subjects.


Researchers from UC San Francisco published a study regarding the endocannabinoid system and its role in the treatment of migraines. Their findings included evidence that the activation of cannabinoid receptors within the human body may help modulate pain from migraine headaches.

Revolutionary Clinics is here to provide medical patients the best medical marijuana in the Boston area. Visit our premium medical marijuana dispensary and talk to our staff to learn more about the benefits of cannabis and brain health.

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