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Cannabis for Stress Relief

Cannabis for Stress Relief

“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”

We shared the quote above on our Facebook page and a bunch of our fans agreed with music legend and long-time cannabis advocate, Willie Nelson.

When it comes to the debilitating effects on your body, mood, and behavior the Mayo Clinic also agrees with Willie that unchecked stress can lead to major health problems. Stress can cause headaches, muscle and joint pain, stomache aches, general fatigue, and decreased stress drive. Stress can also negatively affect your mood by triggering anxiety, anger, relestleness, depression and feelings of being overwhelmed. Finally, stress can be the driving force behind poor life choices like overeating, alcohol abuse, exercising less often, and lashing out at loved ones.

Stress can make a mess of your life and in today’s “always on” world, stress is virtually impossible to avoid. As the stigma of cannabis use continues to fade, its acceptance as a legitimate stress management tool has grown significantly. You’ll find articles all over the Internet describing how everyone from moms to busy executives use cannabis to calm their nerves and ease their stress levels while maintaining their productivity and sense of control.

More importantly, an article in the August 2018 Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that “cannabis significantly reduced ratings of depression, anxiety, and stress”. The conclusion was reached after analyzing data obtained from 1,399 cannabis users who tracked their use and completed surveys that tracked their medical conditions and symptoms through a mobile app called Strainprint. An amazing 11,593 cannabis sessions were analyzed making this one of the most comprehensive scientific studies to date.

The study was funded by Washington State University’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program and the results confirmed that “high THC/high CBD cannabis was best for reducing perceived symptoms of stress”.

The study also confirms what many of our patients have been telling us for a long time – cannabis is great for helping you to relax and when you’re relaxed, you’re less prone to stress and its awful physical, mental, and emotional effects on your well-being.

Whether you’re experiencing chronic pain, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, or stress, at Revolutionary Clinics, we’re here to connect you with the right cannabis product. Our Patient Advocates will take the time to listen to what is causing your stress and how your current methods to deal with your stress are coming up short. Your comfort is always key and we look forward to helping you live a happier, more enjoyable life.  To schedule an appointment or to find answers to all your questions, please contact us today!


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